Course Description

VIP protection, sometimes referred to as executive protection or dignitary protection, is one of the most challenging and complex types of security operations. This course covers on one of the most critical and dangerous aspects of VIP protection operations: mobile security. Mobile security focuses on protecting the VIP when he/she is moving from one point to another. According to threat analysis and past operational reports, when the VIP is moving in a limo or motorcade, that is one of the most likely times that the VIP will come under attack.

This course focuses on conducting mobile security operations with a protective detail consisting of 3-4 personnel or what we call the “escort detail.” While an escort detail is larger and more capable than a single-person (singleton) or two-person detail, it is still small compared to a full protective detail of 6+ personnel. This means that the escort detail will be facing increased risk and detail personnel will need to assume multiple roles/responsibilities. In short, the already daunting challenge of protection work becomes even more difficult when working with the limited capabilities/resources of an escort detail.

This course covers a wide variety of tactics, techniques and procedures for providing mobile protection and responding to hostile attacks and emergency situations. Topics include:

  • Motorcade organization and vehicle selection
  • Protective detail organization and selection
  • Motorcade formations
  • Phases and objectives of protection operations
  • Motorcade arrival and departure
  • Drive through and push out ambush response techniques
  • Emergency vehicle crossload under fire
  • Emergency vehicle bailout under fire
  • Attack response contingencies

All students will receive a serial numbered completion certificate upon finishing the course.

Course curriculum

    1. The Larger Picture of VIP Protection

    2. The Four Pillars of Survival

    1. Concepts and Fundamentals

    2. Team Organization and Vehicle Selection

    3. Organization & Formations: 3-Person Detail

    4. Organization & Formations: 4-Person Detail

    5. Mobile Security Fundamentals: Quiz

    1. Introduction

    2. Arrival: 3-Person, Right Side

    3. Arrival: 3-Person, Left Side

    4. Arrival: 4-Person

    5. Motorcade Arrival: Quiz

    1. Introduction

    2. Departure: 3-Person, Right Side

    3. Departure: 3-Person, Left Side

    4. Departure: 4-Person

    5. Motorcade Departure: Quiz

    1. Introduction

    2. Drive Through and Push Out

    3. Ambush Drive/Push Through: Quiz

    1. Introduction

    2. Crossload: 3-Person, Attack Left

    3. Crossload: 3-Person, Attack Right

    4. Crossload: 4-Person, Attack Left

    5. Crossload: 4-Person, Attack Right

    6. Tactical Crossload: Quiz

About this course

  • $40.00
  • 37 lessons

About the Instructor

Special Tactics

Special Tactics was developed by special operations veterans from Tier-1 Special Mission Units, along with a team experts with diverse backgrounds from the military, law enforcement and academic communities. Our mission is to help improve United States and allied national security capabilities through training and education.


Take your tactical skills to the next level and enroll in the Mobile VIP Protection course today!

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